On this day Elder Darque [Elder Tribunal] did complete the achievement “What a long, strange trip it’s been” and did receive his Violet Proto-Drake from…
Ulduar 10 [10/14] Algalon the Observer [] + Flame Leviathan [04/18/2009] + Freya [06/04/2009] General Vezax [] + Hodir [08/23/2009] + Ignis the Furnace Master…
Although we greatly appreciated your gnome killing prowess you attacked us afterward, and Elder Tribunal was forced to defend itself against the demon lord himself…
The following is the goodbye speech given by Sir K at Sir Deimos funeral: Sir Deimos / Dark / Santiago, you have been known by…
The following poem was written by Quazar and read at the funeral of Lord Sir Deimos Kal’Amar held at King of Rogues VII on September…
And on this nights Ulduar 25 raid the Cat Bitch herself was struck down, Auriaya has fallen to us for the first time! Congratulations ET!…
Just read on /. about an outbreak of H1N1 Flu (swine flu) at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX). I have a bunch of friends that…
****The Following is Distributed to Keeps, Posted in Taverns, and in Village Centers throughout the Realms**** Lord Sir Deimos Kal’Amar (October 978-September 1009) Betrothed of…
This evening Elder Tribunal went forth into Ulduaar and did battle with Freya and walked out victorious. This pushes our 25 man Ulduar raiding progress…
This past Monday at Folkstone Questing (at around 1:30am) my character since when I started playing Realms sacrificed himself to save another character. Specifically Quazar…