Tonight Elder Tribunal ventured once more into Ulduar25 and downed Flame Leviathan for the first time! [click on image to enlarge] Congratulations everyone!
“I’m tired of my life being negatively impacted by other peoples stupidity.” – Marduath, 24 Feb 2009
Tonight Elder Tribunal ventured once more into Naxxramas25 and downed Kel’Thuzad for the first time! [click on image to enlarge] Congratulations everyone! (note: image is…
Tonight Elder Tribunal ventured once more into Naxxramas25 and downed Sapphiron! [click on image to enlarge] Congratulations everyone! (note: image is from the 10man kill…
Tonight Elder Tribunal brought the boss known as Leotheras the Blind down. [click on image to enlarge] Congratulations everyone! (Especially to Psymon, Jibbers, and Samaell…
Leotharas the Blind is a boss monster in Serpentshrine Cavern. We’ve attempted him about 7 times. Three times the first night and four times tonight.…
The weekend is finally over… Congratulations to Illyana on winning Queen of Hearts (And of course her team). Additionally congratulations to the Winner of the…
Saturday August 2nd, 2008 marked the Double Dose of Derby action at the JFK Coliseum in Manchester, NH. Their next match will be on September…
This upcoming weekend all the preparation and hard work of many people come together in the form of one of the largest Realms Tournament events…
Tomorrow marks a new era… the New Hampshire Roller Derby will be starting their first season and having their first match. The mood around my…