As many of you know every year the Realms has an Event Holder Council to go over the proposals for changing the rules. This year the meeting was in Nashua NH at the Welcoming Light, Inc training center at Harbor Homes, Inc’s multi media function room at 45 High St. The meeting started on time at 11am and ran until about 7:30pm.
This article contains the proposals that made a majority with a two-thirds majority of yes over no votes. A shorter summarized version was written by Jason Gray and posted on Facebook at:
Cheating addition:
Eventholders who want to bring formal charges should report them to the Event Holders’ Council organizers. The organizers will present the charges at the Event Holders Council meeting.
Change to rule 2:
Change To:
2. This is a sport of personal honor; treat it as such. You are responsible for keeping track of many aspects of this game, such as weapon blows and known spells. Failure to report or accurately respond to any of these aspects is cheating, and a stain on your personal honor. If you are caught cheating, a marshal may remove you from part or all of the event.
Arrow changes:
Being struck with any portion of the foam area (not including fetching and nocks) of the Arrow will cause damage.
All projectile weapons, with the exception of arrows and javelins, are live and inflict damage on any target they hit until they come to rest; regardless of whether they hit the ground, a wall, a weapon, a tree or any other obstacle along the way. In the case of arrows and javelins, an arrow or javelin is considered live and is able to inflict damage until it comes into contact with the ground. If an arrow or javelin hits you after it comes into contact with the ground it does no damage and you should not take it. It is the responsibility of the player wielding the bow or javelin to tell you not to take the blow.
Bamboo okay for 6’6″
● Bamboo may be used in place of PVC pipe for non thrust-only, melee weapons 6’6″ in length or shorter. Tubing should measure approximately ¾” in diameter.
Calling armor when dead
Add this sentence to the end of Calling Hits under Combat Etiquette:
Armor must always be called, even when a player is dead.
Impale rule change
Change To:
Impaling is the act of holding a weapon in an opponent’s kill location after death, and saying the word, “Impale”. It counts as continuous, non-scalping blows to that location. The act of impaling will bypass any armor, damaged or not. While impaled, a character cannot be raised or animated and is unable to regenerate.The results can vary when impaling NPCs.
Also, in the Regeneration caveat:
Impaling causes regeneration to stop, and the count resets once the weapon is removed.
Change To:
Impaling stops regeneration; the count resets when the weapon is removed.
Boulder changes
move to under “combat calls”
Boulders: A boulder is often represented by throwing large duct-taped chunks of foam or beanbag chairs with the zippers duct-taped over. When thrown, the boulder is active until it comes completely to rest. While active, boulders convey damage in the following manner: they kill any PC whose body or equipment they touch. They destroy all armor over any locations they touch. Magical items they touch are disenchanted. Non-enchanted weapons, bows, shields, and non-monetary stealable items they touch are “broken.” It is the player’s responsibility to see that items damaged this way are not used until the appropriate repair spells are cast upon them. PCs may not throw or pick up boulders. Four or more PCs, each using both hands, may work together to “push” a boulder along, to free trapped gear and companions, but not to cause damage.
Squishy tips for Great Weapons
Changed To:
Weapons over 5’ must be made out of PVC pipe labeled 1”. These weapons must have thrusting tips that are at least 2 ¼” long as well as squishy-foam tips on top of the thrusting tips. The squishy-foam tip of a weapon greater than 5′ must be at least 2”.
Calling hits
Changed To:
Calling Hits: It is your responsibility to call where you were hit in combat. This is to let the other participant(s) and the marshals know that they hit you and where they hit you. Calling armor, protections and other effects is also your responsibility.
How characters are scalped
Changed To:
In order to scalp a body, you must strike 200 blows with a weapon beside the body of the character being scalped.
Rules are rules
Under “Cheating”
2nd paragraph
However, if a major rule is broken, or if there are repeated small infractions, an Event Holder may impose consequences on any player(s) at their event.
Change To:
However, if a rule is broken, or if there are repeated infractions, an Event Holder may impose consequences on any player(s) at their event.
Also in last paragraph of the Cheating section.
Repeated or major rule violations may result in formal charges being brought against a player at the Event Holders Council for the purpose of disciplinary action.
Change To:
Repeated rule violations may result in formal charges being brought against a player at the Event Holders Council for the purpose of disciplinary action.
BMEESK: Raise Dead
Raise Dead: This spell raises a character. This spell will not work if there is a weapon within 10 feet of the spellcaster. Inform a spellcaster the spell has failed if you know about a weapon near enough to disrupt the spell.
Changed To:
Raise Dead: This spell raises a character. This spell will not work if there is a weapon within 10 feet of the spellcaster. Inform a spellcaster the spell has failed if you know about a weapon near enough to disrupt the spell. A bow is not considered a weapon, but the arrows are considered weapons.
BMEESK: Necromancy
Certain spells make your character “undead” for their duration. While undead, your character cannot cross a Circle of Protection (represented by a circle of rope on the ground), or advance within 5 feet of someone casting Ward: Undead or Ward: Enchanted Beings.
Changed To:
Certain spells make your character “undead” for their duration. While undead, your character cannot cross a Circle of Protection other than one he created himself (represented by a circle of rope on the ground), or advance within 5 feet of someone casting Ward: Undead or Ward: Enchanted Beings.
Undead Caveat Change
add as last sentance to Undead Caveat:
A PC will remember what happened to them while they were undead.
Replace Spell Failure Caveat
Some spells fail to work if there are weapons within a certain proximity. If a spell fails due to weapon proximity, the casting is lost
Change To:
Some spells have fail conditions in their description. Any spell that fails due to its fail condition expends the casting of that spell.
Active component changes: Circle Spells
Add the following to the first paragraph under Circles Caveat:
Only one spell may be cast with a particular rope at a given time, although after the spell ends, a different spell may be cast with the rope.
Change active component on the following circle spells:
Circle of Healing, Circle of Protection, Mystic Forge, Group Healing
Change To:
Touch the rope
Additionally remove the redundant information from the spell descriptions.
Armored Clock active component change, and small tweaks
In the active component remove text:
to cast or recharge
Middle of spell description remove text:
In order to recharge, the wearer must lay flat on his back while reciting the verbal.
last sentence remove text:
of recharged
Correcting wording on Silver Strike
change spell description to:
This spell gives the spellcaster the ability to temporarily silver a weapon. After preparing it with the spell, the spellcaster must call “Silver” the next time he swings that weapon. See the Combat Calls and Weapon Call Spells Caveats.
Create Magic Weapon: Variable weapon design
remove the following text:
When learning this spell, the spellcaster must draw a sketch of the weapon he wishes to create in his spellbook. The spellcaster may learn a different shape or length of weapon to create, but he must unlearn and then relearn the spell to do so.
Familiar Change
remove the following point options:
Resist Magic (2 pts.) – 1 use
Ward: Enchanted Beings (3 pts.) – 5 uses
Regeneration (3 pts.) – 1 use
add the following point options:
Raise Dead (1 pts.) – 1 use
Heal Limb rewrite
new spell description:
Heal Limb (Healer 2)
Uses: Unlimited – Verbal: 20 words – Active: Spellcaster must be stationary, must touch the target limb.
This spell allows the spellcaster to heal one damaged limb at a time. The spellcaster must recite the VC while touching the recipient’s injured limb. The spellcaster cannot move his feet while casting this spell, although he may be moving his arms and such (e.g., parrying, so long as he doesn’t take a step).
Transformation Nerf
Proposal Wording:
Increase uses of the spell ‘Transformation’ to 2.
Remove the 4th paragraph of the spell ‘Transformation’ which reads:
Spellcasters under the effects of the Transformation spell can be the target of a spell, but the enchantments do not carry over if the spellcaster reverts to his common form. Likewise, if the spellcaster is enchanted and then uses the Transformation spell, the enchantments do not carry over to the altered form, but will resume after the
shaman reverts to his common form.
Replace it with the following:
Any potions or other spells with a lingering effect cast by the spellcaster are suspended when he transforms. It is the spellcaster’s responsibility to notify anyone else effected by this (such as any players carrying potions the he created) before he transforms. Suspended spells will resume functioning when the spellcaster reverts to his common form.
Move Cry of Life to Healer 7
Change To:
Cry of Life (Healer 7)
Regeneration power boost
Add to Shaman (6) regeneration:
Learning this spell a second time will give you the additional two usages of this spell. In addition, if you have learned this twice you may have a Raise Dead (only the healer spell Raise Dead, no other raising effects allowed) can ‘re charge’ one usage. These Raise Dead spells cannot come from Circle of Healing.
Transformation Armor change
Armor Options:
● Natural Armor: 1 point for a single point of body armor. It covers every hit location. Up to 1 point of armor may be purchased. Cannot be used in conjunction with Regenerating Armor.
● Regenerating Armor: 3 points for a single point of body armor. Up to 1 point of armor may be purchased. The spellcaster must lie on his back without attacking. Once so positioned, the altered form’s armor regenerates 1 point for every 10 seconds the spellcaster remains still (repairing every hit location once would take 70 seconds). The spellcaster cannot choose to regenerate only one area to full, then go back to combat, but must take the time to repair all the armor damaged before resuming combat. Cannot be used in conjunction with Natural Armor.
● Both forms of armor may be repaired by casting Repair Item (repairs all locations)
Undead Soldier Armor change
1 pt. of armor (max 1 pt.)
Regenerating Armor
2 pts. armor (max 1 pt.)
● Armor can be repaired though use of one Repair Item spell for all locations
● An undead soldier may not have more than 1 point of armor, and may not combine regenerating armor and normal armor.
You can see Magic Missile and Lightning Bolt
You can see Magic Missile and Lightning Bolt:
Lightning Bolt
The prop is a physical representation of the magic. After it comes to rest, it cannot be affected or moved by anyone other than the spellcaster, but it may still be seen or guarded by anybody.
Magic Missile
The prop is a physical representation of the magic. After it comes to rest, it cannot be affected or moved by anyone other than the spellcaster, but it may still be seen or guarded by anybody.
Additionally, under “combat spells” Change the following:
Certain combat calls (see Lightning Bolt and Magic Missile in Combat Calls) involve a prop that is thrown at a combatant. After the prop has come to rest it is only a physical representation of magic, and cannot be moved or touched other than by the person who threw it. It may be seen and guarded, but not purposefully hidden (e.g. putting a bucket over)
Add new Pool Spell: Implement
Implement (Pool)
Material: Non-weapon, combat-safe Staff (between 4’ and 6’ long, inclusive,) Wand (between 12” and 18” long, inclusive,) or Orb (at least 4” in diameter).
The caster is able to create a staff, wand or orb (hereafter called “implement”) that enhances their own casting. Each time the spellcaster learns the spell, they gain 1 point into a pool from which they may purchase special abilities from the following choices below. At the magic check-in of an event, the caster may choose how the points in their pool are spent. An implement may not have more than 5
points spent into it.
Unless otherwise state, abilities gained that augment or alter spells require that the caster already knows the spell, otherwise there is no effect. In order to use the gained ability, the caster must be holding the implement in one hand.
If a weapon hits an implement, the implement is “broken” and may not be used until fixed. The caster can fix a broken implement by holding the implement with two hands, then counting to 200.
Gain 1 additional casting of one of the following spells for 1 point each: Find the Path, Fortune Tell, Guidance, Precognition, Skew Divination, Raise Dead, Deep Pockets, Enfeeble Being, Create Zombie, Beckon Corpse, Zombie Send, Disenchant, Disrupt.
Gain the following abilities for 1 point each:
● The active component for armored cloak is changed to “Kneel on one knee while holding the implement with both hands to cast or recharge”.
● The active component for protection from magic missile is changed to “Kneel on one knee while holding the implement with both hands”.
● When using a circle spell you may double the length of the rope. This may only be done once.
Gain 1 additional casting of one of the following spells for 2 points each: Call the Soul, Group Healing, Resist Magic, Create Undead, Soul Bane
Gain the following abilities for 2 points each:
● The active component for death watch is changed to “Spellcaster must kneel on one knee holding the orb with both hands for 60 seconds before being killed”. The requirement of recasting the spell has been removed.
● The uses for speak becomes unlimited.
● Gain 1 point to spend on your familiar. This ability may not be taken more than once.
● Gain 1 point to spend on your create undead soldier. This ability may not be taken more than once.
Gain 1 additional casting of one of the following spells for 3 points each: Vision, Séance
Gain the following abilities for 3 points each:
● Gain one use of Regeneration. You are not required to know the spell to use this ability.
● Gain one use of Regeneration. Upon completion, the spellcaster will be raised as a free-willed undead. You are not required to know the spell to use this ability.
● Gain one additional magic missile prop.
This spell cannot be used with Staff/Wand/Orb.
Event Holders Council Change
Any Event Holder holding a “legal” event between January 1st and December 31st (inclusive) of the previous year and has attended at least 6 events including his own, shall be eligible to vote.
Change To:
Any Event Holder who throws and attends their “legal” event between January 1st and December 31st (inclusive) of the previous year and has attended at least 6 events including his own, shall be eligible to attend and vote at the Event Holders Council meeting.
If an Event Holder cannot or does not attend their own event due to real life emergencies, extenuating circumstances, etcetera, they may still sit on the council but their eligibility to vote (and back magic items) will be reviewed by the remaining EHC members [who can vote] to determine eligibility on a case by case basis.
Any EH that is determined to not be eligible to vote immediately: loses the privilege to vote and back magic items. This penalty remains in effect until the next time they throw a “legal” event. They may however still attend the meeting and provide verbal feedback in the forum. Eligibility of any EH that did not attend their own event will be determined at the beginning of the EHC regardless if they wish to attend.
Limit number of EHs that can be listed on an event
Rules for a Legal Event
Add the following bullet at the end of the other bullets in this section:
● An Event can only have one EH per event day.
Part III re-write / re-name
This did not change any rules, however it did re-organize the entire Part III: Being a Realms EH. Please see for the actual wording.
Change blue duct tape to blue blade for weapons
Under Weapon Construction, change:
Only magic weapons should be made with blue duct tape, and you may only make a magic weapon through the use of spells in the magic system, or if you are an EH.
Change To:
Only magic weapons should be made with a blue-colored striking surface, and you may only make a magic weapon through the use of spells in the magic system, or if you are an EH.
Magic items must include the items name on it:
All magic items, including weapons, must have the responsible EH’s name, the date it was released and the words ‘Magic’ and ‘Stealable’ written on them.
Change To:
All magic items, including weapons, must have the items name or an accompanying tag, the responsible EH’s name, the date it was released and the words ‘Magic’ and ‘Stealable’ written on them.
Repairing Magic Items
All magic weapons that are currently in existence may not be re-bladed without the use of a Repair Magic Item spell. When the foam in one breaks down, it is retired or repaired. Magic weapons may never be re-foamed without the use of a Repair Magic Item spell.
Magic weapons that are currently in existence may be re-bladed without the use of a Repair Magic Item spell, to repair safety issues, by first contacting and gaining permission from the issuing EH.
Allow EHs to call emergency EHC meetings
The Event Holder Council’s
After the last paragraph add:
Any serious issue(s), may be brought to the attention of the Event Holder List. If at least 50% of the EHs agree that a personal meeting is required to discuss the issue(s), an emergency EH meeting can be called. This meeting must be attended by at least 50% of legal event holders and meet the restrictions of a legal event for planning purposes (i.e. at least two week notice). The person calling for the meeting will work with the organizers of the upcoming Players Meeting and Event Holders Council. Meetings of this nature will not have the ability to make changes to the Omnibus.
This is subject to change but currently the wording is:
For the 2013 season only, all characters who were in existence (first attended an event) before February 2nd, 2013 are allowed to have up to 18 spells, making a legal build following the rules of the current Omnibus. At the first event that their PC attends in the 2013 season where the Omnibus is available, they must get their spellbook checked in and signed by the Event Holder or his designated Magic Marshal. All spells after grandfathering will be added to the spellcaster’s “Spell Mastery” section, in addition to the list they had before grandfathering (if any).
Elected Positions:
Next Years Meeting Organizers – Jason & Angela Gray
Event List Administrator – Ian Pushee
Magic Item List Administrator – Neil Tozier
Death Marshall – Jason Gray
Please remember that rule changes do not go into effect until the first event that the Omnibus is printed and available at.