In case you all live under a rock… Oslo, Norway – April 21, 2005 An overly excited Jon S. von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software, today…
This has got to be one of the funniest pages that I have seen in a while: Other things Since, I installed Opera I’ve…
As a side note, IE now has a built in PopUp Blocker (yay?). Lots of people have reported that they are no longer capable of…
Have you installed craptastic Service Pack 2 (SP2) on your XP box? If you have you’ll note that microsoft once again has littered it with…
So I’m sitting here working on my new project. Setting up a Unreal Tournament 2003 server. (It’s actually up but not available on the net…
As some of you may have heard the nt4 srever that nhstar worked on for on of his clients got rooted. So we looked around…