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osTicket 1.15.1 released

A new stable version of osTicket has just been released. The new version is 1.15.1. As with 1.15 you are now required to run PHP 7.2 to 7.4.  It will not work with 7.1 or older.

This version adds two improvements.


  • readme: Update PHP Version (a4c85d7)
  • placeholder: Quote and encode html chars (0056d14)

As usually happens the Prior branch has also received an maintenance release 1.14.5.  you can read about the Enhancements, Improvements, and Security updates in 1.14.5 here:

As always the new stable, the new maintenance release, and official plugins can be downloaded from

Important Reminder! Support for the 1.12 branch has ended on Nov 17, 2020.  That means the 1.12.x branch has reached end of life and will no longer receive updates and patches.  Please upgrade immediately.