Not this time though. This past Saturday at the Pendry Palace was the annual Beltane celebration. Many came from far and wide to attend yet another masterful ceremony crafted by High Priest Pendry. and High Priestess Jenny. However this year held a small surprise. Lord Neil and Lady Bethany were handfasted in the midst of the revelry, much to the surprise of some.
Lady Bethany’s Mother was among those to find out after she arrived at the gathering, as were her Aunt and Uncle. Lord Neil’s Mother and Sister were doubly surprised as they had no idea that his daughter was there, and she started the ceremony tossing off a heavy cloak she had worn around all morning to hide her face.
Among other long standing traditions were the May pole and cloven orange. Blkw1d of Edible Endings with some assistance of her husband created a masterpiece of a cake disguising that it was a wedding cake. Sir_K and Kattalla hand crafted wonderful representations of Lady Bethany and Lord Neil.
Lord Neil and Lady Bethany had this to add, “Thank you all for coming, we hope that you all had an incredible time! We sure did!”
High Priest Pendry posted a slide show of the time leading up to the finishing the ceremony. You can view the slide show at Current Events.