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Realms: change to: THE EVENT HOLDERS COUNCIL v1

Under Event Holding

Current wording:
Any Event Holder holding a “legal” event between January 1st and
December 31st (inclusive) of the previous year and has attended at
least 6 events including his own, shall be eligible to vote.

proposed wording:
Any Event Holder who throws and attends their “legal” event between
January 1st and December 31st (inclusive) of the previous year and has
attended at least 6 events including his own, shall be eligible to
vote. If an Event Holder cannot or does not attend their own event due
to real life emergencies they can still sit on the council but their
case will be reviewed by the remaining EHC members [who can vote] to
determine on a case by case basis if that Event Holder should be able
to vote. If the EHC decides that they cannot, the Event Holder loses
the privilege to vote and back magic items effective immediately and
lasting until the next time they throw a legal event. They may
however still attend the meeting and provide verbal feedback in the
forum. EH eligibility will be determined at the beginning of the EHC

This proposal adds an “in case of emergency” EHs who do not attend their own event can still vote if the council accepts their reason for non-attendance. If the council does not then they lose the ability to vote and back items.