Not this time though. This past Saturday at the Pendry Palace was the annual Beltane celebration. Many came from far and wide to attend yet…
Realms Heroes have ADD Wait… which bad guy are we all worried about THIS season??”
BBC News is carrying an article about the Microsoft Windows Animated cursor bug, and how crackers are using it to target World of Warcraft players.…
The new TV will not fit up the stairs into the living room. So… its for sale. It was recently serviced and is in good…
Part of the tribe drove out to Bedford today to see Pan’s Labyrinth. In attendance was ERG, Matronsinafay, Thesewalls, and Miss Nat. It was nicely…
To all my friends, to their friends, and their families We hope you have a safe and happy holiday. We hope that you can spend…
I woke up this morning having a dream about Realms. This is one of those things that does not happen very often. However it’s twice…
This is a cross post from the magic item thread on Realmsboard. The more I read this thread the more I think that Joe touched…
We just finished playing Munchkin Bites! And of course I housed Mosh and Mikayla. I cooked dinner again tonight. It was yummy chickeny goodness.
So after boarding three flights I was done with airplanes. I couldn’t wait until I finally landed in ABQ. Imagine my surprise when right before…