So since I updated to XBMC 12 (Frodo) Netflix hasn’t worked quite right. It would load, it would stream, but it wouldn’t play sound, and well thats a game stopper.
I have sound in XBMC. If I logged over to the desktop I have sound when I open a webbrowser and load to play something. But if XBMC is running (either by launching it from the desktop or booting into it) I wouldn’t get any sound when using Advanced Launcher to load Netflix.
So as far as I can tell XBMC is grabbing control of the sound hardware and not playing nice with other applications. So how do I get it to play nice? Well I could probably spend some time to delve into customizing my .asoundrc, I can google the problem some more, or I can revisit the first thread I read
Linux HOW-TO The Complete Linux N00bs’ Guide To Installing ZSNES on XMBCbuntu
Specifically post #52. This sentence got me to thinking, “i solved this by changing my audio output device to HDA Nvidia, HDMI1 in the system settings of xbmc.” Now while I don’t have an NVIDIA card, perhaps changing the audio output device, and leaving the audio pass through device might fix my problem.
You will find this under:
System -> System -> Audio output
Sure enough now when I launch Netflix from XBMC I have sound. Now I can watch House of Cards. 🙂