Everyone in the States has heard of the ESRB if they play video games. The Entertainment Software Rating Board is a non-profit, self regulatory board essentially started and owned by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA). They assign ratings to video games to give parents a better idea of the content of that video game. They also help enforce industry adopted advertising guidelines. Also according to their site they some how help with online privacy. (Not sure how, didn’t read that in depth about that one.)
Everyone in the States has heard of BestBuy, one of the larger electronics retail distributors. They sell everything from digital cameras, CDs, DVDs, computers, monitors, and sound systems to RAM, Hard drives, washers, dryers, and World of Warcraft. That is to say they sell everything electronic and that includes video games and other software.
This might lead you to ask what do these two have to do with each other? Technically very little. Unless of course you add a self aggrandizing and egotistical lawyer into the mix. Enter Attorney Jack Thompson. Who is Attorney Jack Thompson? By all means please pause here to peruse just a little of his many articles online. Yes, I realize that to read just those three sites might take hours, so I hoped that you only skimmed them or were already familiar with him. Let’s move on to the point…
If the ESRB are guidelines, and not laws. If Bestbuy tries to follow those guidelines, that once again are not laws. And if oh say dear old Jack decided to send his 15 year old son to Bestbuy to purchase a “rated M” game… how would anyone in their right mind think that they can sue Bestbuy, AND the ESRB! Oh hey wait I know! Jack you have violated the ESRB guidelines by allowing your son to purchase a “rated M” game! You should also add yourself to that lawsuit!
For fuck sake, disbar him please. I’m sick of hearing about this guy.
The TV and movies children watch, the video games that children play, the music children listen to and the books or magazines that children read are the responsibility of their parents to police. Not law enforcement agencies, and certainly not you. So shut the fuck up and go commit suicide since that is what you’ve done to your political and law careers.