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osTicket 1.7.3 and 1.8rc1 Released

Today osTicket 1.7.3 has been released and is the fourth stable release of the 1.7 tree. This release fixes some bugs and introduces the following New Enhancements:

  • Ticket thread items are now available for email templates
  • Support MySQL servers on a non-standard port number, which is also not set in the php.ini file
  • FAQ search now hits category names and are sorted by article title now
  • CAPTCHA responses are now considered case-insensitive

Y you can read about the chandes and download 1.7.3 at osticket or github.

Additionally osTicket 1.8 rc1 was also released! This is the first release candidate for the new 1.8 tree and can be downloaded at 1.8 project at github. This version changes osTicket from fpdf to mpdf to enable utf-8 support and includes some bug fixes as well. As a reminder this version is a release candidate and is not intended for production enviornments. Please report bugs at github.